International Multi-disciplinary Artist

Rich Black Girl

"Rich Black Girl" challenges the prevalent notion of associating Black identity solely with poverty and trauma. While acknowledging the reality of those experiences, this project delves into the often-overlooked narrative of affluent Black individuals and families, countering the assumption that hardship defines Black culture.

This body of work aims to dismantle the stereotype that trauma and poverty are intrinsic to Black life. It highlights the existence of thriving Black communities, including a longstanding Black middle class and affluent legacies, counteracting the misconception that struggle is the sole essence of Blackness.

"Rich Black Girl" scrutinizes the tendency among Black Americans and Africans to compare and contrast their upbringings. It serves as a reminder for Africans to embrace their cultural heritage without seeking validation from the Western world. It underscores the privilege inherent in African upbringing, where self-perception, racial issues, and access to quality resources often differ from the challenges faced in the United States.

Beyond material wealth, this series redefines success, emphasizing self-confidence, self-love, and belief in oneself. It explores the broader concept of success beyond monetary gains, emphasizing the significance of a supportive community based on genuine connections rather than transactional relationships. Ultimately, "Rich Black Girl" seeks to redefine success as a multifaceted and holistic experience that encompasses personal empowerment and communal strength.